Ghost Kernel

Ghost OS is a hobby operating system based on a custom micro-kernel, built for the Intel x86 platform.

The entire project is written from scratch in C and C++ and small parts of Assembly.

The project is licensed as GPLv3. The sources are available on GitHub.


  • x86-based micro-kernel
  • SMP multi-processor support
  • Comprehensive kernel interaction library (libapi)
  • Own C standard library (libc)
  • OS-specific GCC toolchain
  • ELF binary & shared library support
  • Window server & toolkit
  • Support for C++ in kernel & userland
  • Various interprocess-communication methods
  • Driver-level VM86 handling
  • Drivers for VMSVGA & VBE video output, PS/2 keyboard & mouse, PCI handling
  • Multiboot compliance
  • It's also very cool

About me

My name is Max and I'm a software developer from Bavaria, Germany. I started Ghost in 2015 because I wanted to gain knowledge about how operating systems work and what happens under the hood, and well - it's just fun to build something from scratch. The biggest sources of knowledge are the OSDev Forums and wiki and the LowLevel sites.

If you are interested in collaboration or have any questions, feel free to contact me at